Wim Bernasco

I am a psychologist by training and have a PhD in social science. I have studied crime since I joined the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR) in 2000.

Here is my single-page CV. I am not on social media, but usually reply when you send me an email .

I have profiles at Google Scholar, ORCID, ResearchGate, and the Web of Science.


Here you find lists of my published and forthcoming work in English and Dutch. You can download offprints of some. These files are provided for scholarly purposes only. Please refer to the applicable scholarly fair use laws. Permission to reprint any article must be sought from the holder of the copyright for that article.

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This is the authors' manuscript accepted for publication, before typesetting




Kuralarasan, K., Bernasco, W. & Vandeviver, C. (2024). Graffiti Writers Choose Locations That Optimize Exposure. Crime & Delinquency. DOI: 10.1177/00111287241287133 Published online October 14, 2024. Read it here at Sage, or read the author accepted version here.

Liebst, L. S., Philpot, R., Ejbye-Ernst, P., Bernasco, W., Heinskou, M. B., Verbeek, P., & Lindegaard, M. R. (2024). Consolation in the aftermath of violent public assaults: An interaction ethological study. Culture and Evolution 20(1), 99-110. DOI: 10.1556/2055.2023.00018. Published online May 6, 2024. Read it here at Akadémiai Kiadó.

Kroese, J., Bernasco, W., Liefbroer, A.C. & Rouwendal, J. (2024). The Anticipatory, Short-Term, and Long-Term Effects of Parental Separation and Parental Death on Adolescent Delinquency. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology 10, 288-308. DOI: 10.1007/s40865-024-00252-7. Published online April 22, 2024. Read it here at Springer.

Curtis-Ham, S., Bernasco, W., Polaschek, D.L.L., & Medvedev, O.N. (2024) Familiar locations and similar activities: Examining the contributions of reliable and relevant knowledge in offenders' crime location choices. International Criminal Justice Review. DOI: 10.1177/10575677241244464. Published online April 5, 2024. Read it here at Sage.

Song, G., Zhang, Y, Bernasco, W., Cai, L., Liu, L., Qin, B, & Chen, P. (2023). Residents, Employees and Visitors: Effects of Three Types of Ambient Population on Theft on Weekdays and Weekends in Beijing, China. Journal of Quantitative Criminology 39: 385-423. DOI: 10.1007/s10940-021-09538-1. Published online December 2, 2021. Read it here at Springer or read the postprint version here at the Open Science Foundation repository.

Bernasco, W. (2023). Discrete Spatial Choice Models. In: Groff, E.R. & Haberman, C.P. (Eds.). Understanding Crime and Place: A Methods Handbook (pp. 275-286). Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Read it here at the Open Science Foundation repository. Read more about the book here at Temple University Press. An update and extension of the accompanying example R script is available here on GitHub.

Vandeviver, C., Neirynck, E., & Bernasco, W. (2023). The Foraging perspective in criminology: A review of research literature. European Journal of Criminology 20(2): 626–652. DOI: 10.1177/14773708211025864. Published online June 23, 2021. Read it here at Sage or read the postprint version here at the Open Science Foundation repository.

Curtis-Ham, S., Bernasco, W., Medvedev, O.N., & Polaschek, D.L.L. (2023). Relationships between offenders’ crime locations and different prior activity locations as recorded in police data. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 38: 172–185. DOI: 10.1007/s11896-022-09540-8. Published online August 2, 2022. Read it here at Springer.

Bernasco, W., Hoeben, E.M., Koelma, D., Liebst, L.S., Thomas, J., Appelman, J., Snoek, C.G.M. & Lindegaard, M.R. (2023). Promise Into Practice: Application of Computer Vision in Empirical Research on Social Distancing, Sociological Methods and Research 52(3): 1239–1287. DOI: 10.1177/00491241221099554. Published online May 9, 2022. Read it here at Sage.

Curtis-Ham, S., Bernasco, W., Medvedev, O. N., & Polaschek, D. L. L. (2022) A new Geographic Profiling Suspect Mapping And Ranking Technique for crime investigations: GP-SMART. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling 19:103-117. DOI: 10.1002/jip.1585. Published online February 28, 2022. Read it here at Wiley.

Bernasco, W. (2022). Why reward big spenders?. NSCR Blog 27 februari 2023.
When we evaluate the past and future performance of scientists, we tend to reward their proven ability to obtain research funding. This may seem like a pretty legitimate criterion, but it is not. Read why.
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Kroese, J., Bernasco, W., Liefbroer, A.C. & Rouwendal, J. (2022). Single-Parent Families and Adolescent Crime: Unpacking the Role of Parental Separation, Parental Decease, and Being Born in a Single-Parent Family. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology 7: 596–622. DOI: 10.1007/s40865-021-00183-7. Published online January 17, 2022. Read it here at Springer.

Ejbye-Ernst, P., Lindegaard, M.R., & Bernasco, W. (2022). How to Stop a Fight - A Qualitative Video Analysis of How Third-parties De-escalate Real-life Interpersonal Conflicts in Public. Psychology of Violence 12(2): 84–94 DOI: 10.1037/vio0000410. Published online December 30, 2021. Read it here at APA or read the postprint version here at PsyArXiv.

Lindegaard, M.L., Liebst, L.S., Philpot, R., Levine, M., & Bernasco, W. (2022). Does Danger Level Affect Bystander Intervention in Real-Life Conflicts? Evidence from CCTV Footage. Social Psychological and Personality Science 13(4): 795-802. DOI: 10.1177/19485506211042683. Published online September 9, 2021. Read it here at Sage.

Curtis-Ham, S., Bernasco, W., Medvedev, O.N., & Polaschek, D.L.L. (2022). The Importance of Importance Sampling: Exploring Methods of Sampling From Alternatives in Discrete Choice Models of Crime Location Choice. Journal of Quantitative Criminology 38(4): 1003–1031. DOI: 10.1007/s10940-021-09526-5. Published online July 31, 2021. Read it here at Springer, or read a read-only version at here at Springer Nature SharedIt

Ejbye-Ernst, P., Lindegaard, M.R., & Bernasco, W. (2022). Third-Parties Mirror the Aggression of the Antagonists: A Video-Based Analysis of Third-Party Aggression in Interpersonal Conflicts. Journal of Interpersonal Violence: 37(17-18): NP15899–NP15924. DOI: 10.1177/08862605211023503. Published online June 14, 2021. Read it here at Sage.

Kuralarasan, K. & Bernasco, W. (2022). Location Choice of Snatching Offenders in Chennai City. Journal of Quantitative Criminology 38: 673–696. Published online May 4, 2021. DOI: 10.1007/s10940-021-09514-9. Read it here at Springer or read the PDF. Inspired by the paper, articles on the topic have appeared in the Times of India and in Citizen Matters.

Ejbye-Ernst, P., Lindegaard, M.R. & Bernasco, W. (2022). A CCTV-based analysis of target selection by guardians intervening in interpersonal conflicts. European Journal of Criminology 19(5): 1260-1279. DOI: 10.1177/1477370820960338. Published online October 3, 2020. Read it here at Sage.

Bernasco, W., Lammers, M., Menting, B. & Ruiter, S. (2022). Are Frequent Offenders More Difficult to Find and Less Willing to Participate? An Analysis of Unit Non-Response in an Online Survey. European Journal of Criminology 19(6): 1403–1420. DOI: 10.1177/1477370820941422. Published online December 7, 2020 Read it here at Sage.

Bernasco, W., Liebst, L.S., van der Veen, T., van Herwijnen, N., Appelman, J., Thomas, J., Bijleveld, K., Koelma, D., Ejbye-Ernst, P., Hoeben, E., Snoek, C., Lindegaard, M.R. (2021). One Year of Social Distancing Behavior on the Streets of Amsterdam. Factsheet. Published online March 10, 2021. Read it here at NSCR (Open Access) or read the PDF

Liebst, L.S, Appelman, J., Bernasco, W., Hoeben, E., Snoek, C., Koelma, D. & Lindegaard, M.R. (2021). Behavioral Compliance with Curfew Measure during Lockdown: Results of the NSCR Amsterdam Curfew Study (pre-print, version 3). NSCR/University of Copenhagen/University of Amsterdam. Factsheet. Published online March 18, 2021. Read it here at NSCR (Open Access) or read the PDF

Hoeben, E.M., Bernasco, W. Liebst, L.S., van Baak, C. & Lindegaard, M.R (2021). Social distancing compliance: A video observational analysis. PLOS ONE 16(3): e0248221. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0248221. Published March 15, 2021. Read it here at PLOS ONE or read the PDF

Curtis-Ham, S., Bernasco, W., Medvedev, O.N., & Polaschek, D. (2021). A national examination of the spatial extent and similarity of offenders’ activity spaces using police data. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 10, 47. DOI: 10.3390/ijgi10020047. Published online January 23, 2021.
Read it here at MDPI.

Kroese, J., Bernasco, W., Liefbroer, A. & Rouwendal, J. (2021). Growing Up in Single-Parent Families and the Criminal Involvement of Adolescents: A Systematic Review. Psychology, Crime and Law 27: 61-75. DOI: 10.1080/1068316X.2020.1774589. Published online June 11, 2020.
Read it here at Taylor & Francis.

Vogel, M., Hoeben, E. & Bernasco, W. (2021). Nearby Neighbourhood Influences on Adolescent Offending. British Journal of Criminology 61(1): 228-250. DOI: 10.1093/bjc/azaa069. Published online October 13, 2020. To learn more, read it here at Oxford University Press, or read the postprint version (PDF).

Mahfoud, M., Bernasco, W., Bhulai, S. & van der Mei, R. (2021). Forecasting Spatio-Temporal Variation in Residential Burglary with the Integrated Laplace Approximation Framework: Effects of Crime Generators, Street Networks, and Prior Crimes. Journal of Quantitative Criminology 37: 835–862. DOI: 10.1007/s10940-020-09469-3. Published online August 13, 2020. To learn more, read it here at Springer.

Liebst, L.S., Lindegaard, M.R., & Bernasco, W. (2021) Dissecting the Role of Dominance in Robberies: An Analysis and Implications for Micro-Sociology of Violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 36 (15-16): NP8668–NP8686, doi: 10.1177/0886260519845713. Published online May 2, 2019. Read it here at Sage (Open Access)

Curtis-Ham, S., Bernasco, W., Polaschek, D. & Medvedev, O. (2020). A framework for estimating crime location choice based on awareness space. Crime Science 9:23. DOI: 10.1186/s40163-020-00132-7. Published online November 4, 2020. Read it here at Springer.

Menting, B., Lammers, M., Ruiter, S. & Bernasco, W. (2020). The Influence of Activity Space and Visiting Frequency on Crime Location Choice: Findings from an Online Self-Report Survey. British Journal of Criminology 60: 303-322. DOI: 10.1093/bjc/azz044, Published online June 25, 2019. Read it here at Oxford Academic.

Philpot, R. Liebst, L.S., Lindegaard, M.R., Bernasco, W., & Levine, M. (2020) Would I be Helped? Cross-National CCTV Footage Shows That Intervention Is the Norm in Public Conflicts. The American Psychologist 75(1): 66-75. DOI: 10.1037/amp0000469. Published online June 11, 2019. Read the postprint version (PDF) here.

de Jong, E., Bernasco, W., & Lammers, M. (2020). Situational Correlates of Adolescent Substance Use: An Improved Test of the Routine Activity Theory of Deviant Behavior. Journal of Quantitative Criminology 36: 823-850. DOI: 10.1007/s10940-019-09433-w. Published online October 17, 2019. Read it here at Springer, or download the PDF.

Vandeviver, C., & Bernasco, W. (2020). "Location, Location, Location": Effects of Neighborhood and House Attributes on Burglars' Target Selection. Journal of Quantitative Criminology 36:779–821. DOI: 10.1007/s10940-019-09431-y. Published online October 11, 2019.
Read it here at Springer, or download the PDF.

Bernasco, W. (2020). Desisting Distance Decay Again: Distance Does not Affect Whether and Where Adolescents Offend. In: Horselenberg, R., van Koppen, V. & de Keijser, J. (Eds.). Bakens in de Rechtspsychologie. Liber Amicorum voor Peter van Koppen (pp. 551-568). Den Haag: Boom criminologie. Read the published version here or read the postprint version here.

Elevelt, A., Bernasco, W., Lugtig, P., Ruiter, S., & Toepoel, V. (2019) Where you at? Using GPS Locations in an Electronic Time Use Diary Study to Derive Functional Locations. Social Science Computer Review. DOI: 10.1177/0894439319877872. Published online September 26, 2019. Read it here at Sage, or download the PDF

Liebst, L.S., Philpot, R., Bernasco, W., Dausel, K., Ejbye-Ernst, P., Nicolaisen, M. & Lindegaard, M.R. (2019) Social relations and presence of others predict bystander intervention: Evidence from violent incidents captured on CCTV Aggressive Behavior 45:598–609. DOI: 10.1002/ab.21853. Published online July 29, 2019. Read it here at Wiley, or download the PDF

Van de Weijer, S.G.A., Leukfeldt, E.R., & Bernasco, W. (2019). Determinants of reporting cybercrime: A comparison between identity theft, consumer fraud, and hacking. European Journal of Criminology 16: 486-508. DOI: 10.1177/1477370818773610, Published online May 19, 2018.
ESC European Journal of Criminology Best Article of the Year 2019 Award
Read it here at Sage.

Song, G., Bernasco, W., Liu, L., Xiao, L., Zhou, S. & Liao, W. (2019). Crime Feeds on Legal Activities: Daily Mobility Flows Help Explain Thieves’ Target Location Choices. Journal of Quantitative Criminology 35: 831–854. doi: 10.1007/s10940-019-09406-z. Published online February 13, 2019. Read it here at Springer (Open Access) or read the PDF

Bernasco, W. (2019). Adolescent offenders' current whereabouts predict locations of their future crimes PLOS ONE 14(1): e0210733. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0210733. Published January 30, 2019. Read it here at PLOS (Open Access) or read the PDF

Vandeviver, C., Bernasco, W., and Van Daele, S. (2019). Do sports stadiums generate crime on days without matches? A natural experiment on the delayed exploitation of criminal opportunities. Security Journal 32(1): 1–19. doi: 10.1057/s41284-018-0142-5, Published online June 15, 2018. Read it here at Springer or read a read-only version at here at Springer Nature SharedIt or read the postprint version (PDF)

Ruiter, S., and Bernasco, W. (2018). Is Travel Actually Risky? A Study of Situational Causes of Victimization. Crime Science 7(1), 10. doi: 10.1186/s40163-018-0084-6. Published online September 5, 2018. Read it here at Springer (Open Access)

Weulen Kranenbarg, M., Ruiter, S., Van Gelder, J.L., Bernasco, W. (2018). Cyber-offending and traditional offending over the life-course: An empirical comparison. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology 4(3): 343–364 doi: 10.1007/s40865-018-0087-8. Published online August 1, 2018. Read it here at Sage (Open Access).

Song, G., Liu, L., Bernasco, W., Zhou, S., Xiao, L. & Long, D. (2018). Theft from the Person in Urban China: Assessing the Diurnal Effects of Opportunity and Social Ecology. Habitat International 78: 13–20. doi: 10.1016/j.habitatint.2018.04.010. Published online June 6, 2018.
To learn more, link to a copyrighted version at Elsevier

Bernasco, W. (2018). Mobility and location choice of offenders. In: Bruinsma, G.J.N. & Johnson, S.D. (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Environmental Criminology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190279707.013.17. Published online February 2018.
To learn more, link to a copyrighted version at Oxford Handbooks Online or checkout scan the contents of the Handbook at Oxford University Press.

Weerman, F., Hoeben, E., Bernasco, W., Pauwels, L. & Bruinsma, G. (2018). Studying situational effects of setting characteristics: research examples from the Study of Peers, Activities and Neighbourhoods. In: Bruinsma, G.J.N. & Johnson, S.D. (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Environmental Criminology Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190279707.013.20. Published online February 2018.
To learn more, link to a copyrighted version at Oxford Handbooks Online or checkout scan the contents of the Handbook at Oxford University Press.

Song, G., Liu, L., Bernasco, W. Xiao, L., Zhou, S., & Liao, W. (2018). Testing Indicators of Risk Populations for Theft from the Person across Space and Time: The Significance of Mobility and Outdoor Activity. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 108(5): 1370-1388. doi: 10.1080/24694452.2017.1414580, Published online January 30, 2018. Read it here at Taylor and Francis or read the postprint version.

Lindegaard, M.R., de Vries, T.D., and Bernasco, W. (2018). Patterns of Force, Sequences of Resistance: Revisiting Luckenbill with Robberies Caught on Camera. Deviant Behavior 39: 421-436. doi: 10.1080/01639625.2017.1407100. Published online January 19, 2018. Read it here at Routledge.

Lindegaard, M.R. & Bernasco, W. (Eds.) (2018). Crime Caught on Camera. Special issue of Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. Vol. 55, Issue 1.


  • Mosselman, F., Weenink, D. & Lindegaard, M.R. Weapons, Body Postures, and the Quest for Dominance in Robberies. A Qualitative Analysis of Video Footage. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 55: 3-26. read it here (Open Access)
  • Liebst, L.S., Heinskou, M.B. & Ejbye-Ernst, P. The Actual Risk of Bystander Intervention: A Statistical Study Based on Naturally Occurring Violent Emergencies. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 55: 27-50.read it here
  • Willits, D., & Makin D. Show Me What Happened: Contextualizing Use of Force through Analysis of Body-Worn Camera Footage. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 55: 51-77. read it here
  • Sytsma, V., & Piza, E. Open-Air Drug Selling and Script Analysis: Using Event Modeling to Identify Potential Intervention Points. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 55: 78-102. read it here
  • M?ller, K. Video-recorded Retail Cannabis Trades in a Low-risk Marketplace ? Trade Value, Proportion of Women, and Temporal Patterns. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 55: 103-124. read it here
  • Nassauer, A. How Robberies Succeed or Fail: Analyzing Crime Caught on CCTV. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 55: 125-154. read it here
  • Lindegaard, M.R. & Bernasco, W. Lessons Learned from Crime Caught on Camera. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 55: 155-186.
    read it here (Open Access)

Vandeviver, C. & Bernasco, W. (Eds.) (2017). The Geography of Crime and Crime Control. Special issue of Applied Geography 86.


  • Vandeviver, C. & Bernasco, W. The geography of crime and crime control. Applied Geography 86, 220-225. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2017.08.012. read it here or read the PDF
  • Weinborn, C., Ariel, B., Sherman, L.W., & O'Dwyer, E. Hotspots vs. harmspots: Shifting the focus from counts to harm in the criminology of place. Applied Geography 86, 226-244. read it here
  • Curtis-Ham, S., & Walton, D. Mapping crime harm and priority locations in New Zealand: A comparison of spatial analysis methods. Applied Geography 86, 245-254. read it here
  • Rummens, A., Hardyns, W. & Pauwels, L. The use of predictive analysis in spatiotemporal crime forecasting: Building and testing a model in an urban context. Applied Geography 86, 255-261. read it here
  • Irvin-Erickson, Y., La Vigne, N., Levine, N., Tiry, E. & Bieler, S. What Does Gunshot Detection Technology Tell Us About Gun Violence? Applied Geography 86, 262-273 read it here
  • Griffiths, G., Johnson, S.D., & Chetty, K. UK-based terrorists' antecedent behavior: A spatial and temporal analysis. Applied Geography 86, 274-282. read it here
  • Peeters, M. & Vander Beken, T. The relation of CPTED characteristics to the risk of residential burglary in and outside the city center of Ghent. Applied Geography 86, 283-291. read it here
  • Langton, S.H., & Steenbeek, W. Residential burglary target selection: An analysis at the property-level using Google Street View. Applied Geography 86, 292-299. read it here
  • Chataway, M.L., Hart, T.C., Coomber, R., & Bond, C. The geography of crime fear: A pilot study exploring event-based perceptions of risk using mobile technology. Applied Geography 86,300-307. read it here

Lindegaard, M.R., Liebst, L.S., Bernasco, W. Heinskou, M.B., Philpot, R., Levine, M. & Verbeek, P. (2017). Consolation in the Aftermath of Robberies Resembles Post-Aggression Consolation in Chimpanzees. PLOS ONE, 12(5): e0177725. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0177725. Published online May 31, 2017.
Read it here at PLOS ONE (Open Access). You might also want to read about the topic in the Washington Post or in the Daily Mail Online or in the International Business Times".

Bernasco, W., Van Gelder, J-L., & Elffers, H. (2017). Oxford Handbook of Offender Decision Making. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Published online June 8, 2017 at Oxford Handbooks Online. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199338801.001.0001. ISBN: 9780199338801.
To learn more, visit information page at Oxford University Press.

Bernasco, W., van Gelder, J-L. & Elffers (2017). Editors? Introduction. In: Bernasco, W., Van Gelder, J-L., & Elffers, H. (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Offender Decision Making (pp. 1?9). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Published online June 8, 2017 at Oxford Handbooks Online. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199338801.013.41.
To learn more, visit information page at Oxford University Press.

Bernasco, W. (2017). Modeling offender decision-making with secondary data. In: Bernasco, W., Van Gelder, J-L., & Elffers, H. (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Offender Decision Making (pp. 569?586.) Oxford: Oxford University Press. Published online June 8, 2017 at Oxford Handbooks Online. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199338801.013.28
To learn more, download PDF or visit information page at Oxford University Press.

Hoeben, E.M., Weerman, F. & Bernasco, W. (2017). Gerben?s commute and victimization: Would moving to Amsterdam have been safer? In: Bijleveld, C. & van der Laan, P. (Eds.) Liber Amicorum Gerben Bruinsma (pp. 160-172). Den Haag: Boom Criminologie. Read the postprint.

Elonheimo, H., Frederiksen, S., Bernasco, W. & Blokland, A. (2017). Comparing criminal careers across three national cohorts: Finland, Denmark, and the Netherlands. In: Blokland, A. & Van der Geest, V. (Eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Life-Course Criminology (pp. 140-155). London: Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781315747996.ch9
To learn more, visit information page at Routledge.

Bernasco, W., de Graaff, Th., Rouwendal, J. & Steenbeek, W. (2017). Social Interactions and Crime Revisited: An Investigation Using Individual Offender Data in Dutch Neighborhoods. Review of Economics and Statistics 99 (4): 622-636. doi: 10.1162/REST_a_00656. Published January 18, 2017.
To learn more, read the PDF.

Bernasco, W., Ruiter, S. & Block, R. (2017). Do Street Robbery Location Choices Vary Over Time of Day or Day of Week? A Test in Chicago. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 54: 244-275. doi: 10.1177/0022427816680681. Published December 8, 2016. Read it here at Sage (Open Access).

Bernasco, W. & Steenbeek, W. (2017). More Places Than Crimes: Implications for Evaluating the Law of Crime Concentration at Place. Journal of Quantitative Criminology 33: 451-467. doi: 10.1007/s10940-016-9324-7. Published online September 20, 2016. Read it here at Springer (Open Access) or check out R package 'lorenzgini' and an accompanying vignette "The 80-20 rule revisited with the lorenzgini package" at Github

Menting, B., Lammers, M., Ruiter, S., and Bernasco, W. (2016). Family Matters: Effects of Family Members? Residential Areas on Crime Location Choice. Criminology 54: 413-433. doi: 10.1111/1745-9125.12109. Published online July 5, 2016.
To learn more, link to copyrighted version at Wiley

Townsley, M., Birks, D.J., Ruiter, S., Bernasco, W. & White, G. (2016) Target Selection Models with Preference Variation Between Offenders. Journal of Quantitative Criminology 32:283-304. doi: 10.1007/s10940-015-9264-7, Published online July 31, 2015. Read it here at Springer, or read a read-only version at here at Springer Nature SharedIt

Bernasco, W., Lammers, M. and Van der Beek, K. (2016). Cross-Border Crime Patterns Unveiled by International Exchange of DNA Profiles. Security Journal 29: 640-660. doi: 10.1057/sj.2015.27. Published online November 9, 2015.
Read it here via Springer Nature Content Sharing, or here at Palgrave MacMillan, or get the postprint version.

Weerman, F.M., Bernasco, W., Bruinsma, G.J.N., & Pauwels, L.J.R. (2016). Gender Differences in Delinquency and Situational Action Theory: A Partial Test. Justice Quarterly, 33, 1182-1209. doi: 10.1080/07418825.2015.1064987, Published online July 17, 2015. link to copyrighted version at Routledge

Van Halem, S., Hoeben, E.M., Bernasco, W., & Ter Bogt, T.F.M. (2016). Measuring Short and Rare Activities: Time diaries in Criminology. Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research, 13:1-33. doi: dx.doi.org/10.13085/eIJTUR.13.1.1-33. Published online December 15, 2016.
To learn more, link (Open Access) to version at eIJTUR

Lindegaard, M.R. & Bernasco, W. (2016). Learning about crime prevention from aborted crimes: Intra-personal comparisons of committed and aborted robbery. In: Leclerc, B. and Savona, E.U. (Eds.) Crime Prevention in the 21st Century; Insightful Approaches for Crime Prevention Initiatives (pp. 19-34). New York, NY: Springer.

Bernasco, W. (2016). Crime Location Choice. NSCR Factsheet 3 Published online October 12, 2016.
To learn more, read it here

Bernasco, W., and Jacques, S. (2015). Where Do Dealers Solicit Customers and Sell Them Drugs? A Micro-Level Multiple Method Study. The Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 31(4): 376-408. doi: 10.1177/1043986215608535, Published online October 15, 2015.
To learn more, link to copyrighted version at Sage, or download PDF of final draft

Bernasco, W. (2015) Ethnic Segregation and Crime: Are Offenders Ethnically Biased When Choosing Targets Areas? In: P. Nijkamp, J. Poot, and J. Bakens (Eds) The Economics of Cultural Diversity (pp. 194-213). Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. ISBN 178347680X, 9781783476800
To learn more, download PDF of final draft, download book flyer or visit information page at Edward Elgar.

Bruinsma, G., Pauwels, L., Weerman, F., and Bernasco, W. (2015). Situational Action Theory: Cross-Sectional and Cross-Lagged Tests of its Core Propositions. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 57, 363-398. doi:10.3138/cjccj.2013.E24. link to copyrighted version at University of Toronto Press

Bernasco, W., Johnson, S.D. & Ruiter, S. (2015). Learning where to offend: Effects of past on future burglary locations. Applied Geography 60: 120-129. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2015.03.014, Published online April 14, 2015. link to copyrighted version at Elsevier

Lammers, M., Menting, B., Ruiter, S. & Bernasco, W. (2015). Biting Once, Twice: The Influence of Prior on Current Crime Location Choice. Criminology, 53, 309-329. doi: 10.1111/1745-9125.12071, Published online April 4, 2015. link to copyrighted version at Wiley

Averdijk, M., and Bernasco, W. (2015). Testing the Situational Explanation of Victimization among Adolescents. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 52, 151-180. doi: 10.1177/0022427814546197, Published online September 24, 2014. link to copyrighted version at Sage

Lindegaard, M.R., Bernasco, W., and Jacques, S. (2015). Consequences of Expected and Observed Victim Resistance for Offender Violence during Robbery Events. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 52, 32-61. doi: 10.1177/0022427814547639, Published online August 26, 2014. link to copyrighted version at Sage

Weerman, F., Bernasco, W., Bruinsma, G., & Pauwels, L. (2015). When is Spending Time with Peers Related to Delinquency? The Importance of Where, What and With Whom. Crime & Delinquency, 61, 1386-1413. doi: 10.1177/0011128713478129, Published March 21, 2013
To learn more, link to copyrighted version at Sage

Townsley, M., Birks, D., Bernasco, W., Johnson, S., Ruiter, S. and White, G. (2015). Burglar Target Selection: A Cross-National Comparison. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. 52, 1-31. doi: 10.1177/0022427814541447, Published online July 31, 2014. link to copyrighted version at Sage

Pauwels, L., Weerman, F.M., Bruinsma, G.J.N. and Bernasco, W. (2015). How much variance in offending, self-control and morality can be explained by neighbourhoods and schools? An exploratory cross-classified multi-level analysis. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 21: 523-537. doi: 10.1007/s10610-014-9262-6, Published online October 15, 2014.
To learn more, download PDF or link to copyrighted version at Springer

Hoeben, E.M., Bernasco, W., Weerman, F. M, Pauwels, L., and Halem, S. van (2014). The Space-Time Budget Method in Criminological Research. Crime Science 3:12. doi: 10.1186/s40163-014-0012-3, Published online December 19, 2014
To learn more, download PDF or link to Open Access version at Springer

Bernasco, W. (2014). Crime Journeys: Patterns of Offender Mobility. In: M. Tonry(Ed). Oxford Handbooks Online in Criminology and Criminal Justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199935383.013.49
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Lemieux, A., Bernasco, W., Rwetsiba, A. Guma, N., Driciru, M. & H. Kulu Kirya, H. (2014). Tracking Poachers in Uganda: Spatial models of Patrol Intensity and Patrol Efficiency In: A. Lemieux (ed.) Situational Crime Prevention of Poaching: An International Perspective (pp. 102-119). Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-63434-2.
To learn more, visit description at Routledge

Lindegaard, M.R., Bernasco, W., Jacques, S. & Zevenbergen, B. (2014) Posterior Gains and Immediate Pains: Offender Emotions Before, During and After Robberies. In: J-L. Van Gelder, H. Elffers, D. Reynald and D. Nagin (eds.) Affect and Cognition in Criminal Decision Making: Between Rational Choices and Lapses of Self-Control (pp. 58-76). Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-65848-5 (hardback)
To learn more, visit description at Routledge

Bernasco, W., & Ruiter, S. (2014) Crime Location Choice. In: Bruinsma, G., & Weisburd, D. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice (pp. 691-699). New York: Springer.
To learn more, download PDF or download PDF of draft or visit description at Springer

Bernasco, W. (2014) Residential Burglary. In: Bruinsma, G., & Weisburd, D. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice (pp. 4381-4391). New York: Springer.
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Jacques, S., & Bernasco, W. (2014) Drug Dealing: Amsterdam?s Red Light District. In: Leclerc, B., & Wortley, R. (Eds.) Cognition and Crime: Offender Decision-Making and Script Analyses (pp. 120-139). Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-68860-4 visit description at Routledge

Bernasco, W., Ruiter, S., Bruinsma, G., Pauwels, L. & Weerman, F. (2013) Situational Causes of Offending: A Fixed Effects Analysis of Space-Time Budget Data. Criminology, 51, 895-926. doi: 10.1111/1745-9125.12023, Published August 14, 2013.
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Bernasco, W., Bruinsma, G., Pauwels, L. & Weerman, F. (2013). Adolescent Delinquency and Diversity in Behavioral Settings. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 46, 357-378. doi: 10.1177/0004865813490949, Published July 22, 2013
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Bruinsma, G., Pauwels, L. & Weerman, F., & Bernasco, W. (2013). Social disorganisation, social capital, collective efficacy and the spatial distribution of crime and offenders: An empirical test of six neighbourhood models for a Dutch city. British Journal of Criminology, 53, 942-963. doi: 10.1093/bjc/azt030, Published May 20, 2013
To learn more, download PDF or link to copyrighted version at Oxford University Press

Lammers, M. & Bernasco, W. (2013) Are mobile offenders less likely to be caught? The influence of the geographical dispersion of serial offenders' crime locations on their probability of arrest. European Journal of Criminology, 10, 168-186. doi: 10.1177/1477370812464533, Published January 21, 2013
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Bernasco, W., Block, R., & Ruiter, S. (2013). Go Where the Money is: Modeling Street Robbers? Location Choices. Journal of Economic Geography, 13, 119-143. doi: 10.1093/jeg/lbs005, Published March 9, 2012
To learn more, download PDF or link to copyrighted version at Oxford University Press

Svensson, R., Pauwels, L., Weerman, F., Bruinsma, G., & Bernasco, W. (2013) Moral emotions and offending: Do feelings of anticipated shame and guilt mediate the effect of socialization on offending. European Journal of Criminology, 10, 22-39. doi: 10.1177/1477370812454393
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Bernasco, W. & Block, R. (2013). Discrete Choice Modeling (Chapter 21). In: Levine, Ned (Ed.) CrimeStat IV: A Spatial Statistics Program for the Analysis of Crime Incident Locations (version 4.0), pp. 21.1-21.35. Ned Levine & Associates, Houston, TX, and the National Institute of Justice, Washington, DC, June 2013.
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Bernasco, W., Block, R., Levine, N. & Cahill, I. (2013). The CrimeStat Discrete Choice Module (Chapter 22). In: Levine, Ned (Ed.) CrimeStat IV: A Spatial Statistics Program for the Analysis of Crime Incident Locations (version 4.0), pp. 22.1-22.34. Ned Levine & Associates, Houston, TX, and the National Institute of Justice, Washington, DC, June 2013.
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Van Daele, S., &, Bernasco, W. (2012). Exploring directional consistency in offending: The case of residential burglary in The Hague. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 9, 135-148. doi: 10.1002/jip.1358
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Lammers, M., Bernasco, W., & Elffers, H. (2012). How Long Do Offenders Escape Arrest? Using DNA Traces to Analyse when Serial Offenders Are Caught. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 9, 13-29. doi: 10.1002/jip.1353
To learn more, download PDF or link to copyrighted version at Wiley InterScience

Pauwels, L., Weerman, F.M., Bruinsma, G.J.N. & Bernasco, W. (2011) Perceived sanction risk, individual propensity and adolescent offending: Assessing key findings from the deterrence literature in a Dutch sample. European Journal of Criminology, 8 (5), 386-400. doi: 10.1177/1477370811415762. Published online September 14, 2011.
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Bernasco, W. & Block, R. (2011) Robberies in Chicago: A Block-Level Analysis of the Influence of Crime Generators, Crime Attractors and Offender Anchor Points. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 48, 33-57. doi: 10.1177/0022427810384135. Published online December 5, 2010.
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Bernasco, W. (2010). A Sentimental Journey to Crime; Effects of Residential History on Crime Location Choice. Criminology, 48, 389-416. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-9125.2010.00190.x. Published online May 27, 2010.
To learn more, download PDF or link to copyrighted version at Wiley InterScience

Bernasco, W. (2010). Modeling Micro-Level Crime Location Choice: Application of the Discrete Choice Framework to Crime at Places. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 26, 113-138. doi: 10.1007/s10940-009-9086-6. Published online December 22, 2009.
To learn more, download PDF or link to copyrighted version at Springer or link to a read-only copy at Springer Nature SharedIt

Bernasco, W. & Kooistra, T. (2010). Effects of Residential History on Commercial Robbers? Crime Location Choices. European Journal of Criminology, 7, 251-265.
To learn more, download PDF or link to copyrighted version at Sage

Leerkes, A., & Bernasco, W. (2010). The Spatial Concentration of Illegal Residence and Neighborhood Safety. Journal of Urban Affairs, 32, 367-392.
To learn more, download PDF or link to copyrighted version at Wiley InterScience

Bernasco, W. and Elffers, H. (2010). Statistical Analysis of Spatial Crime Data. In: Piquero, A. and Weisburd, D. (Eds.) Handbook of Quantitative Criminology (pp. 699-724). New York: Springer.
To learn more, download PDF or link to copyrighted version or visit Springer site or download PDF of the first three pages.

Bernasco, W. (2010). Felson, Marcus K. Crime and Nature. In: Cullen, F.T. and Wilcox, P. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Criminological Theory (pp. 326-329). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN 9781412959186.
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Bernasco, W. (Ed.) (2010). Offenders on Offending; Learning About Crime From Criminals. Cullompton, UK: Willan. ISBN: 978-1-84392-776-1 (paperback) 978-1-84392-777-8 (hardback)
To learn more, visit Routledge site or read a review in the British Journal of Criminology or read a review in the Journal of Criminal Justice Education or read a review in the Howard Journal or read a review in the Probation Journal

Bernasco, W. (2010). Learning About Crime From Criminals: Editor's Introduction. In: Bernasco, W. (Ed.) Offenders on Offending; Learning about crime from criminals (pp. 3-12) Cullompton, UK: Willan. ISBN: 978-1-84392-776-1 (paperback) 978-1-84392-777-8 (hardback)
To learn more, visit Routledge site

Bernasco, W., & Block, R. (2009). Where Offenders Choose To Attack ; A Discrete Choice Model of Robberies in Chicago. Criminology, 47, 93-130.
To learn more, download PDF or link to copyrighted version at Wiley InterScience

Block, R., & Bernasco, W. (2009). Finding a Serial Burglar?s Home Using Distance Decay and Conditional Origin-Destination Patterns: A Test of Empirical Bayes Journey to Crime Estimation in The Hague. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 6, 189-211.
To learn more, download PDF or link to copyrighted version at Wiley InterScience

Bernasco, W. (2009). Foraging Strategies of Homo Criminalis: Lessons From Behavioral Ecology. Crime Patterns and Analysis, 2, 5-16.
To learn more, download PDF or link to free copy at the journal website

Bernasco, W. (2009). Burglary. In: Tonry, M. (Ed.) Oxford Handbook on Crime and Public Policy (pp. 165-190). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
To learn more, download PDF or read a copyrighted version at Oxford Handbooks Online

Weisburd, D., Bernasco, W. & Bruinsma, G.J.N. (Eds.)(2009). Putting Crime in its Place. Units of Analysis in Geographic Criminology. New York: Springer.
To learn more, visit Springer site or download the flyer

Weisburd, D., Bruinsma, G.J.N. & Bernasco, W. (2009). Units of Analysis in Geographic Criminology: Historical Development, Critical Issues and Open Questions. In: Weisburd, D., Bernasco, W. & Bruinsma, G. (Eds.) Putting Crime in its Place; Units of Analysis in the Study of Geographic Criminology (pp. 3-31). New York: Springer.
To learn more, download PDF of final draft or visit Springer site or download the flyer

Bernasco, W. (2008). Them Again? Same-Offender Involvement in Repeat and Near Repeat Burglaries. European Journal of Criminology, 5, 411-431.
To learn more, download PDF or link to copyrighted version at Sage Press

Reynald, D., Averdijk, M., Elffers, H., & Bernasco, W. (2008). Do Social Barriers Affect Urban Crime Trips? The Effects of Ethnic and Economic Neighbourhood Compositions on the Flow of Crime in The Hague, The Netherlands. Built Environment, 34, 21-31.
To learn more, download PDF or link to copyrighted version at Alexandrine Press (through Atypon)

Elffers, H., Reynald, D., Averdijk, M., Bernasco, W. & Block, R. (2008). Modelling Crime Flow Between Neighbourhoods in Terms of Distance and of Intervening Opportunities. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 10, 85?96.
To learn more, download PDF or link to copyrighted version at Palgrave MacMillan

Riet, M. van de, Bernasco, W., & Laan, Peter van der (2007). Between Protection and Repression; A Short History of Juvenile Policing in the Netherlands. International Journal of Police Science and Management, 9, 214-225.
To learn more, download PDF or link to copyrighted version at Vathek Publishing (through Atypon)

Johnson, S.D., Bernasco, W., Bowers, K.J., Elffers, H., Ratcliffe, J., Rengert, G., Townsley, M. (2007). Space-Time Patterns of Risk: A Cross National Assessment of Residential Burglary Victimization. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 23, 201?219. DOI: 10.1007/s10940-007-9025-3
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Bernasco, W. (2007). The Usefulness of Measuring Spatial Opportunity Structures for Tracking Down Offenders: A Theoretical Analysis of Geographic Offender Profiling Using Simulation Studies. Psychology, Crime and Law, 13, 155-171. DOI: 10.1080/10683160600558402
To learn more, download PDF or link to copyrighted version at Routledge

Bernasco, W. (2006). Co-Offending and the Choice of Target Areas in Burglary. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 3, 139-155.
To learn more, download PDF or link to copyrighted version at Wiley InterScience

Bernasco, W., & Nieuwbeerta, P. (2005). How Do Residential Burglars Select Target Areas? A New Approach to the Analysis of Criminal Location Choice. British Journal of Criminology, 45, 296-315.
To learn more, download PDF or link to copyrighted version at Oxford Journals

Bruinsma, G.J.N., & Bernasco, W. (2004). Criminal Groups and Transnational Markets: A More Detailed Examination on the Basis of Social Network Theory. Crime, Law & Social Change, 41, 79-94. DOI: 10.1023/B:CRIS.0000015283.13923.aa. Published March 2004.
To learn more, download PDF or link to copyrighted version at Springer or read a read-only version at Springer Nature SharedIt

Bernasco, W., & F. Luykx (2003). Effects of Attractiveness, Opportunity and Accessibility to Burglars on Residential Burglary Rates of Urban Neighborhoods. Criminology, 41, 3, 981-1002. DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-9125.2003.tb01011.x. Published online March 7, 2006.
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Hendrickx, J., Bernasco, W., & de Graaf, P. M. (2001). Couples' labour-market participation in the Netherlands. In: H.-P. Blossfeld & S. Drobniç (Eds.). Careers of Couples in Contemporary Society. From Male Breadwinner to Dual-Earner Families (pp. 77-97). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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Kalmijn, M., & Bernasco, W. (2001). Joint and separated lifestyles in couple relationships. Journal of Marriage and Family, 63, 693-654. DOI: 10.1111/j.1741-3737.2001.00639.x
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Bernasco, W., de Graaf, P.M. & Ultee, W.C. (1998). Coupled Careers: Effects of Spouse's Resources on Occupational Attainment in the Netherlands. European Sociological Review, 14(1), 15-31. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.esr.a018225.
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Bernasco, W., Ruiter, S., Steenbeek, W. & van de Weijer, S. (2024). Verdeling van misdaad tussen buurten in Nederlandse gemeenten. Secondant Platform, 13 september 2024
To learn more, read it at CCV

Schuilenburg, M., & Bernasco, W. (2024). Inleiding. Justitiële verkenningen 50 (1), 5-11.
Inleiding tot het themanummer Artificiële intelligentie, justitie en veiligheid. To learn more, read it at WODC

Bernasco, W., van de Weijer, S., & Ruiter, S. (2024). Criminaliteit gedaald maar overlast gestegen. Secondant Platform, 22 april 2024
To learn more, read it at CCV

van Reemst, L., Thomas, J., van Bruchem, M., Gerritsen, C., Bernasco, W. & Lindegaard, M.R. (2024). Hoe handelen agenten bij conflicten tussen burgers? Een onderzoek op basis van video-opnames. Onderzoeksrapport voor Politie en Wetenschap
To learn more, read it (in Dutch) at Politie & Wetenschap or read it (in Dutch) here

Bernasco, W. (2022). Journalisten mogen ook wel eens in de spiegel kijken. NSCR Blog 1 november 2022.
Het is vleiend als journalisten belangstelling tonen voor je werk als criminoloog-onderzoeker, zeker als ze daarvoor tijd willen inruimen en niet uitsluitend op zoek zijn naar een pakkende uitspraak over een spraakmakend misdrijf. Maar journalisten zijn niet altijd transparant over hun bedoelingen en plannen.
Lees verder

Weerman, F., Bruinsma, G., Bernasco, W. & Pauwels, L. (2020). Wie zijn jeugdige veelplegers? Een onderzoek naar aantallen en kenmerken op basis van politieregistraties en zelfrapportage. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie 62:200-227. DOI: 10.5553/TvC/0165182X2020062203005.

Menting, B., Lammers, M., Ruiter, S. & Bernasco, W. (2017). Daders slaan ook toe in woonbuurten van familieleden. Secondant Platform, 6 februari januari 2017
To learn more, read it at CCV

Bernasco, W., & Steenbeek, W. (2017). Concentratie van misdaad in hotspots: de 80/20-regel onder de loep. NSCR website, 16 december 2016
To learn more, read it here or read it on the website of NSCR

Bernasco, W. & Van den Berg, C. (2016). Criminaliteit relateren aan verblijfspopulaties. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie 58 (4): 87-98. doi:10.5553/TvC/0165182X2016058004006.
To learn more, read it here or read it on the website of Boom

Bernasco, W. (2016). Locatiekeuze van daders. NSCR Factsheet 3 Published online October 12, 2016.
To learn more, read it here

Lindegaard, M.R., Bernasco, W. & De Vries, T. (2016) Overvallen in beeld: Gedrag van daders, slachtoffers en omstanders. Politiewetenschap nr. 90. Apeldoorn: Politie & Wetenschap. ISBN 978-90-352-918-9.
To read the report (in Dutch), download PDF

Bernasco, W., van den Berg, C.J.W. & Bijleveld, C.C.J.H. (2016). Criminaliteit in de G4 op basis van verblijfspopulatie. Amsterdam: NSCR.
To read the report (in Dutch), download PDF

Weijer, S. van de, & Bernasco, W. (2016). Aangifte- en meldingsbereidheid: Trends en determinanten. Amsterdam: NSCR
To read the report (in Dutch), download PDF

Bernasco, W. (2016) Mobiliteit van daders over de open Europese binnengrenzen. NSCR Nieuwsbrief, januari 2016.
To read the note (in Dutch), download PDF

Lammers, M., Bernasco, W., Ruiter, S. & Menting, B. (2015). Eerdere delictlocatie aanlokkelijk doelwit voor criminelen. Secondant Platform, 20 januari 2016
To learn more, read it at CCV

Bernasco, W. & Lindegaard, M.R. (2015). Het RAAK-principe is verstandig advies tegen geweld bij overvallen. Secondant Platform, 25 maart 2015
To learn more, download PDF or read it at CCV

Bernasco, W. & Hoeben, E. (2014). Misdaaddagboeken: NSCR brengt risicovolle situaties met hulp van jongeren in kaart. Kennislink
To learn more, download PDF or read it at Kennislink

Bernasco, W. (2014) Route, routine en ratio: Hoe misdadigers doelwitten vinden. Inaugurele rede, uitgesproken op 23 oktober 2014. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Om meer te leren, download PDF of lees de bespreking van Tom Vander Beken in het Tijdschrift voor Criminologie (oktober 2015)

Bernasco, W., Lindegaard, M.R. & Jacques, S. (2013) Overvallen vanuit daderperspectief: Situationele aspecten van gewelddadige, niet-gewelddadige en afgeblazen overvallen. Politiewetenschap nr. 69. Apeldoorn: Politie & Wetenschap. ISBN 978-90-352-4697-3.
Om hierover meer te lezen, download PDF

Ruiter, S., Bernasco, W., Huisman, W. & Bruinsma, G. (Eds.) (2013). Eenvoud en verscheidenheid: Liber amicorum voor Henk Elffers. Amsterdam: NSCR & Afdeling Criminologie Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN 978-90-902-7706-6.
To learn more, download PDF (8Mb)

Bruinsma, G., Huisman, W., Bernasco, W. & Ruiter, S. (2013). Analyticus en bruggenbouwer. In: Ruiter, S., Bernasco, W., Huisman, W. & Bruinsma, G. (Eds.) (2013). Eenvoud en verscheidenheid: Liber amicorum voor Henk Elffers (pp. 1-19). Amsterdam: NSCR & Afdeling Criminologie Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN 978-90-902-7706-6.
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Ruiter, S., Bernasco, W. & Lammers, M. (2013). Waar zal Henk nooit een auto parkeren? Een studie naar de ruimtelijke spreiding van autoinbraken. In: Ruiter, S., Bernasco, W., Huisman, W. & Bruinsma, G. (Eds.) (2013). Eenvoud en verscheidenheid: Liber amicorum voor Henk Elffers (pp. 411-422). Amsterdam: NSCR & Afdeling Criminologie Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN 978-90-902-7706-6.
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Lammers, M. & Bernasco, W. (2013). Reizende criminelen langer uit handen van de politie Kennislink
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Pauwels, L., Weerman, F., Bernasco, W. & Volker, B. (2012). Ruimtelijke criminologie. Van woonbuurt tot cyberspace en van politiestatistiek tot space-time budgets Tijdschrift voor Criminologie 54, 289-303.
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Bernasco, W. (2011). Delinquentie en criminaliteit in stadsbuurten. In: G. Kraaykamp, M. Levels, & A. Need. (Eds.). Problemen en Theorie?n in Onderzoek. Een staalkaart van hedendaagse Nederlandse empirisch-theoretische sociologie (pp. 277-289). Assen: Koninklijke Van Gorcum BV.
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Lammers, M., Bernasco, W. & van der Beek, K. (2011). Criminologisch onderzoek met DNA-sporen. Panopticon, 32(2), 39-53.
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Blokland, A., Grimbergen, K., Bernasco, W. & Nieuwbeerta, P. (2010). Criminaliteit en etniciteit: Criminele carri?res van autochtone en allochtone jongeren uit het geboortecohort 1984 Tijdschrift voor Criminologie 52, 122-152.
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Bruinsma, G., Bernasco, W., & Elffers, H. (2010). Ruimtelijke verplaatsing van criminaliteit: theorie, methodologie en empirie. In: Muller, E.R., van der Leun, J.P., Moerings, M., & van Calster, P. (Eds) Criminaliteit (pp. 375-396). Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer.
To learn more, download PDF of final draft or go to Kluwer site

Bernasco, W., & Kooistra, T. (2010). Daders plegen vaak misdrijven in hun oude buurt Secondant, Tijdschrift van het Centrum voor Criminaliteitspreventie en Veiligheid, 24 (2) 6-11
To learn more, download PDF or read it in the online version of Secondant

Bernasco, W., & Kooistra, T. (2010). Terug van weggeweest. daders plegen vaak misdrijven in hun oude buurt Kennislink
To learn more, download PDF or read it at Kennislink

Bernasco, W. (2009). Zij weer? Over inbrekers die twee keer langs komen. Kennislink
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Bernasco, W. (2008). Boekbespreking van Verwee, I. ,Ponsaers, P. & Enhus, E. "'Inbreken is mijn vak?. Textuur en praktijk van woninginbraak." Mens en Maatschappij, 83, 202-204.
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Elffers, H. & Bernasco, W. (2008). Ruimtelijke aspecten van diefstal in de detailhandel. Secundaire analyse van de Monitor Criminaliteit Bedrijfsleven. NSCR-Rapport 2008-3, Leiden: NSCR
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Bernasco, W. (2008). Woongeschiedenis en de keuze van een plaats delict. Apeldoorn: Politie en Wetenschap. (Ook verschenen als NSCR-Rapport 2008-1, Leiden: NSCR).
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Bernasco, W. (2007). Demografie en misdaad in stadsbuurten: theoretische en empirische relaties. In: Laan, A.M. van der , Vervoorn, L., Nimwegen, N. van, & Leeuw, F.L. (eds). Justitie en demografie: over ontgroening, vergrijzing en verkleuring : Veranderingen in bevolkingssamenstelling en de gevolgen voor Justitie (pp. 113-114). Den Haag: WODC/NIDI.
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Bernasco, W. (2007). Foerageerstrategie?n van Homo Criminalis: Wat kunnen we leren van de gedragsecologie? Tijdschrift voor Criminologie, 49, 265-276.
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Leerkes, A., & Bernasco, W. (2007). Tegen de wetten van de staat, tegen de wetten van de straat? Immigratiebeleid, illegaal verblijf en veiligheid in Nederlandse stadsbuurten. Sociologie, 3, 168-204.
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Bernasco, W. (2007). Is woninginbraak besmettelijk? Tijdschrift voor Criminologie, 49, 137-152.
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Bernasco, W. (2007). Inbraak bij de buren? Wees op je hoede. Kennislink
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Eijk, A. van, Kanning, G., Molenaar, A., Strijbos, M., & Bernasco, W. (2006). Cameratoezicht in de openbare ruimte. Weten mensen wel dat er camera?s zijn, en voelen zij zich er veiliger door? Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid, 5(3), 38-49
To learn more, download PDF or read it at Kennislink

Eijk, A. van, Kanning, G., Molenaar, A., Strijbos, M., & Bernasco, W. (2006) Publiek niet op de hoogte van aanwezigheid camera's. Kennislink
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Bernasco, W., Elffers, H., & Bruinsma, G.J.N. (2006). Het waterbedeffect. Ruimtelijke neveneffecten van plaatsgebonden maatregelen tegen criminaliteit. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie, 48, 243-258.
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Bernasco, W., Elffers, H., & Bruinsma, G.J.N. (2006). De methodologie van onderzoek naar ruimtelijke neveneffecten van plaatsgebonden maatregelen tegen criminaliteit. Panopticon, 27(1), 31-45.
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Van de Riet, M., van der Laan, P., Bernasco, W. (2005). Politie en jeugdigen; over het onstaan en de ontwikkeling van jeugdtaken bij de politie. Tijdschrift voor Familie en Jeugdrecht, 27 (3), 66-71.
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Bernasco, W., Luykx, F., & Elffers, H. (2004). Ruimtelijke spreiding en verplaatsing van criminaliteit. In: E. Muller (red.). Veiligheid. Alphen a/d Rijn: Kluwer. p. 319?344
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Elffers, H., Bernasco, W. en Bruinsma, G.J.N. (2005). Ruimtelijke effecten van plaatsgebonden maatregelen tegen misdaad: een overzicht van de stand van zaken. NSCR-Rapport 2005-1, Leiden: NSCR
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Bruinsma, G.J.N., Bernasco, W., Elffers, H., Huisman, W., Laan, P. van der, Leun, J.P. van der, Luijkx, F., Poot, C.J. de, Vanderveen, G.N.G., Wagenaar, H.C., & Weerman, F. (2004). De stad en Sociale onveiligheid. Een state-of-the art van wetenschappelijke kennis in Nederland. In E.R. Muller, Veiligheid (pp. 277-316). Den Haag: Kluwer.
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Bernasco, W. (2004). Een kennismaking met Herman. Geografische daderprofilering en ruimtelijke gelegenheidsstructuur. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie, 46, 1, 2-17.
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Bernasco, W., Bruinsma, G.J.N., & Huisman, W. (2004). Ruimtelijke strategie?n van misdadigers; Sociale relaties voor criminele infrastructuur. Stedebouw & Ruimtelijke Ordening, 85, 3, 34-37.
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Bernasco, W., & Nieuwbeerta, P. (2003). Hoe kiezen inbrekers een pleegbuurt? Een nieuwe benadering voor de studie van criminele doelwitselectie. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie, 45, 3, 254-270.
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Versteegh, P., Janssen, J., & Bernasco, W. (2003). Beginners, doorstromers en veelplegers. Carri?re-criminaliteit in de politieregio Haaglanden. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie, 45, 2, 127-139.
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Bernasco, W. & Luykx, F. (2002). De ruimtelijke spreiding van woninginbraak - een analyse van Haagse buurten. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie, 44, 3, 231-246.
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Bruinsma, G.J.N., & Bernasco, W. (2002). Dadergroepen en transnationale illegale markten: Een nadere precisering aan de hand van sociale netwerken. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie, 44, 2, 128-140.
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Last update : October 14, 2024

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